Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Godspeed Little Man

A few weeks back a package arrived at our door and we were instructed by K & A not to open it, to place it in the guest room, and not to peek! The package had a picture of a boom box on it.

I assumed that it was something from Etsy - for those of you who have ordered from the site, you will know that sellers use an assortment of boxes for shipping. I assumed that the seller placed his/her goods in this old boom box box.

On Saturday over the baptism weekend, when Sam was showing that he was ready for his morning nap, K & A raced upstairs to "prep" his gift as they believed it would be helpful for nap time. 

When G, Sam, and I climbed the chairs to put Sam down, K & A were waiting in Sam's room with the boom box (it actually was a boom box!) and a basket of goodies. We were instructed to play a CD on the boom box first... and what did we hear? K & A singing one of my favorite songs - a lullaby for Sam!

They recorded the Dixie Chicks' Godspeed, a song that I have loved for YEARS and have played on repeat while dreaming of welcoming a child into this world. Come to find out, it is also one of A's favorite songs as well. 

Here is the song from the Dixie Chicks:

Sorry - can't share K & A's version. It's too special. How amazing to hear the beautiful voices of Sam's godparents singing this incredibly special and emotional song.

And the gift didn't end there - more goodies were in the basket, all tied to the lyrics of the song.

A beautiful hand-painted cross incorporating the star of David with the title of the song.

A Superman cape for the lyrics "Superman's in pajamas on the couch" and a Superman t-shirt (not pictured).

A DVD of Peter Pan for the lyrics "Pirate's sail and lost boys fly"

There was also a very special letter and a yamaka from K & A's wedding that have been tucked into a special keepsake box. 

This gift brought both G and I to tears. It was incredibly thoughtful, shared the talents of K, the beautiful voice of A, and I know that once he is older Sam will listen to that song on repeat and will be delighted to hear the voices of his aunt and uncle. 

We can't thank them enough for loving our boy. 

1 comment:

  1. I love being truly excited to give a gift. I'm so thankful this was one of those times :)
