Friday, October 25, 2013

Week in Review

Busy week for the A's! G left for Colorado on Monday morning so it was just me an my homeboy for most of the week. G surprised us by arriving home Wednesday night instead of late Thursday! Woohoo!

Tuesday was Sam's first appointment with his new doctor. We love him! It was a great visit and Sam got a healthy report. He is the 85th percentile for height and weight. I'm just happy those numbers are equal. And, according to his doc, his head is in orbit. Meaning, that lil chart that predicts growth development? Sam is the lone star, apart from all of those projecting lines. 

I shared this photo on Facebook - but maybe the next two pics explain why Sam's head is in orbit...

My cousins with Sam on St. Patty's Day 2013

Uncle K on the SING OFF on NBC. Nice round dome.

We were told by Sam's doc that he can eat anything now, except for honey, so Tuesday night Sam ate eggs for the first time. His dinner was scrambled eggs and applesauce pancakes. B-fast for dinner! 

Wednesday was PJ day at school. Sam and I were not seeing eye-to-eye on that fine morning, as the picture below shares. He absolutely hates this hat and I absolutely love it on him! 

Thursday I went to a doctor's appointment with my Mom and Dad. The appointment went well, Mom will have to cross a few mountains but the projected future is promising to permanently remove this infection. While at my parent's, my Dad pulled this gem out. He found it in the basement earlier this week and cleaned it up - this was mine when I was about Sam's age! We can't wait to get Sam in it for a photo opp. 

Our weekend to-do list includes two birthday parties and carving a pumpkin.... we are very popular in the 5-10 year old birthday scene.

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