Tuesday, December 31, 2013


2013 - You were a YEAR. A new baby, a new home, leaving my job, a wedding in the family; many joys, many tears, and some tough and trying times. Emotions were clear across the spectrum. This has been the longest and shortest year of my life! Shortest in that I cannot believe my little guy is turning one in mere days - and longest in the amount of STUFF that occurred over the course of these 365 days. 

As we approach January 10, I am looking forward to writing and sharing our birthing story with the blog. As it's been a year, I finally feel in a good place to record it. Don't worry - there will not be many gory details.

For now, I wish health, joy and laughter to my family and yours. Cheers, 2014!


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. lovely! happy happy new year... sorry i missed you all on NYE! looking forward to sam's bday!
