Thursday, January 16, 2014

Sam's 12-Month Appointment

Whew! It's been a crazy few days. After celebrating Sam's birthday at the Children's Museum, we visited Gram and Grampy where Sam ate his first ice-cream sandwich. We also treated him to a cupcake for dessert on his birthday, which he pushed aside and demanded a banana. Sam double fisted a banana and pushed away his cupcake. I do not know whose child this is.

"Too much sugar. Where is my banana??"

We have been very busy prepping for Sam's first birthday party this coming weekend! Posts will be light through Sunday, and then I look to re-cap the party next week and get back on track with blogging.

Yesterday, we headed to the doctor's for Sam's 12-month appointment. He is 31 inches long, 24 pounds, and his head is 19.5 inches. He remains in the top percentiles for height and weight (99% for height!) and his head is back in orbit on the growth charts. He made it through three shots - including a chickenpox vaccine - I didn't know they vaccinated for the chickenpox! Woohoo! The office recommended Sam's blood be tested for lead and anemia due to his 7 months in a pre-1975 apartment in Boston. I brought him over to the lab and what followed was truly horrific. I do not know who cried more - Sam or I. It took four nurses to hold him down, including myself who was bear-hugging him, and after a failed attempt on one arm they pricked him again in the right arm. Ugh. We spent the rest of the day home, snuggling, feeling kinda miserable, and playing with some boxes. 

Here's a sneak peek of Sam's party - I made this bulletin board of his milestones. Love how it turned out! 

"What's that you say? I am having a party?!?"


  1. I swear I looked quick at his board under first words and thought book said beer and I was dying!! Phew thank goodness that's not the case! What a healthy sturdy young lad you have--a future athlete for sure:)

  2. Hahahaha - if anything, it would have been wine! I am surprised he isn't saying that yet...

  3. glad he dove right into his cake bananas at your first bday! (only cucumbers i guess, hehe).
