Friday, December 27, 2013

Teacher Gifts - Sugar Scrub & Sweet Treats

Sam is attending school (daycare) a few days a week while I am on the job hunt. It is working for us, as Sam is such a social baby and school is a great release for him. We also had such a hard time with the transition to a new school (tears, and tears, and more tears - from both of us) that we hesitated pulling him out to go back in again when I am employed.

We wanted to thank Sam's teachers for taking such care of him these past few months, so Sam and I made a sugar scrub and chocolate-dipped treats!

The sugar scrub was super easy to make. I found a ton of recipes online but this was the easiest - and I had the ingredients in the kitchen!

Yup - Just Dawn soap with Olay and Domino Sugar. This is Dawn's pomegranate scent, they also have a lavender scent. I love the pale pink color - this would be a cute favor for a baby or wedding shower!

I used 2/3 sugar to 1/3 soap and then worked the mixture with a butter knife to find the right consistency, not too sugary and not too soapy. The best part - I had to test each one to ensure the consistency was just right.

I used jelly jars, a "garden" paper print and a holiday ribbon. I downloaded this fun font from <>, a cute blog which features a ton of fun fonts.

The finished product.

I added white chocolate dipped mint oreos topped with holiday sprinkles for a sweet treat and placed into a holiday printed box - the box can be re-used for holiday decor.

Some extra oreos for the school's director and teacher's room.

My friend S also gifted sugar scrubs to her fellow teachers. She used the Dawn for Olay lavendar scent and printed circular labels. Are they not adorable??

I figure if a teacher is giving it to another teacher, it must be a solid teacher's gift! Sam's teachers were appreciative - saying that they are elbow-deep in dirty diapers all day long that it was nice to get some hand pampering.

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